1. Lianyu Wang, et al. DW-Net: Dynamic multi-hierarchical weighting segmentation network for joint segmentation of retina layers with choroid neovascularization. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2022.[PDF]
2. Wang T, Wang M, Zhu W, et al. Semi-MsST-GAN: A semi-supervised segmentation method for corneal ulcer segmentation in slit lamp images[J]. Frontiers in Neuroscience,2022.[PDF]
3. Meng Wang, Weifang Zhu, Fei Shi, Jinzhu Su, Haoyu Chen, Kai Yu, Yi Zhou, Yuanyuan Peng, Zhongyue Chen, Xinjian Chen. MsTGANet: Automatic Drusen Segmentation from Retinal OCT Images. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MEDICAL IMAGING,2022.[PDF]
4. Changqing Yang, Xinxin Zhou, Weifang Zhu, Dehui Xiang, Zhongyue Chen, Jin Yuan, Xinjian Chen, and Fei Shi. Multi-discriminator adversarial convolutional network for nerve fiber segmentation in confocal corneal microscopy images. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics,2022.[PDF]
5. Chenpu Yao, Meng Wang, Weifang Zhu, Haifan Huang, Zhongyue Chen, Lianyu Wang, Tingting Wang, Yi Zhou, Yuanyuan Peng, Liangjiu Zhu, Haoyu Chen, and Xinjian Chen. Joint segmentation of multi-class hyper-reflective foci in retinal optical coherence tomography images. TBME,2022.[PDF]
6. Peng Y, Chen Z, Zhu W, et al. Automatic zoning for retinopathy of prematurity with semi-supervised feature calibration adversarial learning[J]. Biomedical Optics Express,2022.[PDF]
7. Jiahuan Song, Xinjian Chen, Qianlong Zhu, Fei Shi, Dehui Xiang, Zhongyue Chen, Ying Fan, Lingjiao Pan,Weifang Zhu. Global and Local Feature Reconstruction for Medical Image Segmentation. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MEDICAL IMAGING,2022.[PDF]
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10. Yi Zhou, Jiang Li, Meng Wang, Yuanyuan Peng, Zhongyue Chen, Weifang Zhu, Fei Shi, Lianyu Wang, Tingting Wang, Chenpu Yao, Xinjian Chen. DHNet: High-resolution and hierarchical network for cross-domain OCT speckle noise reduction. Medical Physics. 2022.[PDF]
11. Yuanyuan Peng, et al. AFENet: Attention Fusion Enhancement Network for Optical Disc Segmentation of Prematurity Infants. Frontiers in Neuroscience, vol. 13, no. 8, pp. 4087-4101, 2022.[PDF]
12. Chenan Xu, Yuanyuan Peng, Weifang Zhu, Zhongyue Chen, Jianrui Li, Wenhao Tan, Zhiqiang Zhang and Xinjian Chen, An automated approach for predicting glioma grade and survival of LGG patients using CNN and radiomics. Frontiers in oncology, 2022. [PDF]
13. Yi Zhou, Kai Yu, Meng Wang, Yuhui Ma, Yuanyuan Peng, Zhongyue Chen, Weifang Zhu, Fei Shi and Xinjian Chen. Speckle Noise Reduction for OCT Images based on Image Style Transfer and Conditional GAN. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics,2022.[PDF]
14. Yuanyuan Peng, et al. ADS-Net: attention-awareness and deep supervision based network for automatic detection of retinopathy of prematurity. Biomedical Optics Express, vol. 13, no. 8, pp. 4087-4101, 2022.[PDF]
1. Ting Wang, Weifang Zhu, Meng Wang, Lianyu Wang, Zhongyue Chen, Tian Lin, Haoyu Chen, Xinjian Chen, "Multi-view-based automatic method for multiple diseases screening in retinal OCT images," SPIE Medical Imaging 2022:Image Processing.[PDF]
2. Chao Guo, Weifang Zhu, Meng Wang, Ming Liu, Zhongyue Chen, Xinjian
Chen, "Acute branch retinal artery occlusion segmentation based on Bayes posterior probability and deep learning," SPIE Medical Imaging 2022: Image Processing.[PDF]
3. Chao Guo, Weifang Zhu, Ting Wang, Tian Lin, Haoyu Chen, Xinjian Chen,"Retinal OCT image report generation based on visual and semantic topic attention model," SPIE Medical Imaging 2022: Image Processing.[PDF]